
For the past decade, we have been a reliable and quality-driven product development and production partner for independent designers valuing domestic production. Our clients range from famous illustrators to cult-followed fashion brands who appreciate Sew Co.’s attention to detail and commitment to ethical manufacturing practices.

Our mission is to preserve the skill of sewing through a transparent and creative business model. Needless to say, we tend to do things a little differently…


In 2010, after witnessing thousands of textile job move overseas, Libby O’Bryan founded Sew Co. in an effort to maintain our domestic manufacturing economy and celebrate the value of sewing. Today, we are proud to provide living-wage-certified work and training in a light-filled studio in Asheville, North Carolina’s River Arts District.

Sew Co. partners with Material Return to operate as a “low-waste” facility. Our team collects textile scraps from our projects, and Material Return recycles the fiber, crafting yarns, fabrics, and other fabrics. Learn more about Material Return, the neat stuff they make, and their philosophy of circularity within the textile industry here.

As a company dedicated to making “behind-the-scenes” processes visible, we practice radical financial transparency (through a framework called the Great Game of Business) with our employees and with our community. Every Tuesday, our entire team crowds around a long (but not quite long enough!) table to collectively report on Sew Co's finances. Responsibility for tracking income and spending is distributed throughout our team, and as a group, we celebrate, make plans for adjust our strategies, and have tough conversations about what Sew Co. can and should become. Our vision is to take this concept to the next level and eventually become a worker-owned cooperative.

Our small team of craftspeople strives to work with values-aligned clients who want to know the people who make their products. We believe the way to compete with overseas production is through exquisite craftsmanship and collaborative relationships. 


pounds of waste (textile and paper) diverted from landfills via Material Return


employees, all from the Greater-Asheville community


of employees’ wages are at or above a living waGE